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Sign Language Basics for kids

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American Sign Language is the mode of communication predominantly used by The Deaf Community in The United States. Learning the foundation of ASL including Fingerspelling (Signed Alphabet) and basic vocabulary is a great way to get started on your American Sign Language Journey. Whether you want to become a fluent user of Sign Language or you would like to learn basic conversational skills, the best way to start is to just get started!

Let’s learn together!

With simple first steps, easy to understand directions, fun games to play and activities to reinforce learning, Handy Lingo gives you a fun and easy way to get started learning Sign Language for kids, parents and educators.

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Hi, I’m Jamie. I’m a Nationally Certified American Sign Language Interpreter and Educator. I have worked as an Interpreter everywhere from the Board Room to the classroom to The Emergency Room to on stage at The Chicago Academy Awards and everywhere in between. I also taught in the American Sign Language Interpreting Department at Columbia College Chicago as well as presented Sign Language Workshops all over Chicagoland. My favorite job as an Interpreter was working as an ASL Consultant for Disney China to put together a language learning program for children. I enjoy working with Sign Language and The Deaf Community, both have been a major part of my life since I was a little girl.


Here are some fun shots of me on set with Disney China, Interpreting for Peter Cook, internationally known Deaf Story Teller, on stage interpreting at The Deaf Illinois Awards and with Mindy Hester and her kids music band.